Mrs. Mississippi International 2012

Mrs. Mississippi International 2012
Photo by Clay Spann

Friday, July 13, 2012

Putting it ALL together!

Wow!  I had a fantastic day going through all of my wardrobe changes with my support team, which included some of my family.  I did walk-through in each outfit on stage to make sure everything was fitting as it should, and to get in some extra time on stage before next week!

I think they had as much fun as I did...probably more fun since they were not the ones in the high heels, and they got to give the instructions!  lol!  But, it was great to have support of my family, and get to share with those who will not be able to make the trip.  I will just have those in my mind cheering me on as I am on stage in Chicago.

Just to give you an idea, I will run through most of the wardrobe changes we will be having while at Mrs. International.  I know some of you are wanting the be sure to stay tuned to my facebook page for updates while I am there....and don't forget to like the page for instant updates! (made by my beautiful niece...when time allows).  We plan to take and post photos each morning.

I will be carrying some of my favorite dresses/evening gowns I have found for:

1. Orientation (let's just say it is a 4-H color:)
2. the boat tour of Chicago (a simple summer dress)
3. Interview dress (love this Teri Jon dress from Competitive of my favorites!)
4. Opening Number dress designed for us my Sherri Hill....WOW!  What a stunning red dress!
5. Fitness Wear (We all wear black with red stripes, one or two piece. I chose two piece).
6. Evening Gown (an elegant Sherri Hill gown...can't wait for you to see it later: )
7. Another Evening Gown for Meet and Greet with judges and other officials.
8. beautiful cocktail dress for rehearsal
9. another flattering dress for day 2 of rehearsal
10. a dress for on-stage interview for Top 15 (Got to be prepared!)

So, that is what I have been up to...and still more to check and double-check on the list.  Then, as you know you have the earrings, shoes, etc. to include!
Got to go for now!  More to do!

Wishing you Safety and Smiles...and a beautiful summer!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

For Showing Me Purpose

Don't you love it when God gives you the words you needed to hear just at the time you need to hear them?  On this particular day, the words I read spoke to me in a reassuring, uplifting way when my physical strength was not where I wanted it to be.

It had been a packed weekend to say the least.  I found myself stumbling about in my robe on a Sunday morning, feeling as if I could not get going. In my family, we just don't miss church unless you are sick, working, or a valid reason.  Not that I have to go by a strict rule, but I do miss church if I miss church.  Not go to church because I am too tired?  That seemed like a lousy excuse...

There were things that had to be squeezed in my calendar, and this was the weekend that worked out for two important must-dos.  We had already had to cancel an earlier ATV Safety Rider Course due to bad weather months before.  Then, I had the photo shoot I knew I had to squeeze in at Photogenic with Clay Spann (did not want to miss this opportunity), and open dates on both our calendars were limited. 

So, I keep my booked date to head to North Mississippi to speak at an elementary school on a Thursday.  It was great to work with a local Pilot International member/leader, and teen Anchor members while speaking to the kids during the Safety Week they had planned.

The following morning, I head out bright and early, with my good friend and hair stylist, Heather, to Dothan, Alabama for the much anticipated photo shoot.  Heather and I both had an amazing time watching Clay do his make up magic, and that made the more than twelve...yes, 12 hours traveling that day worth it.

After getting in bed sometime after 2:30, I am up later the next morning getting ready for the 4-H ATV Safety Rider Course.  I am happy that it worked out for a committed 4-H mom and extended family to take part in the hands-on riding course!  It is a great refresher course for me as well, and I knew it would be fun. 

Then, as I sit in my robe on Sunday morning, I resign to stay home, read my Bible, and go back to bed while my husband and our kids to church.  I open my Women's Devotional Bible, still exhausted, and not knowing what I am going to read.  It opens up to the book of Isaiah and a devotional titled "For Showing Me Purpose".    It begins....
"I AM grateful, God, that I have finally come to realize your purpose for me.
Just when or how this came about I can't say....Maybe because life is so filled with defeat and heartbreak, we find ourselves turning to you, yielding ourselves to your will, fighting less furiously for selfish, often empty goals. And when this happens we find that you have turned our sufferings and our failures into little stepping-stones.

Looking back, we see them ...and looking about, we see there are results. There are signals, heartening little affirmations, unexpected proofs.

However humble our circumstances or undramatic our talents, our true purpose has been revealed. We were meant to be this person at this time and place. Not only for ourselves, but for you and other people- we were meant to make this particular contribution to the world.

And so we must do it well. Do it with faith and patience, with all our strength and passion. And in so doing discover who we really are."

From the book of Isaiah:
...I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. Isaiah 48:17

I pray this is an encouragement for you, and a reminder to you of your purpose at this time in your life. Whether a lifetime of teaching children, or a short time of being a neighbor to someone who needs a friend.  No matter what it is, do it with faith and patience, with all your strength and passion.



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Closing one chapter, beginning another

Life is full of stages and chapters, isn't it? Well, my husband and I are at a stage where we are closing one chapter and beginning another.  I have stepped down from my career and position as 4-H Agent to take on the position of full-time mom and wife.  We are all full-time already, aren't we?  However, we had some gaps that needed to be filled with both of us having demanding careers.  I am blessed to have had the time to work with some amazing people in Extension from all across the state, and with the best university....Mississippi State University!  And now I am blessed to have this time to devote to my family.

As far as 4-H goes, 4-H will still be a part of our lives, as I will be a 4-H volunteer for Cloverbuds (my kids' club for their age), as well as find some other things to do...including volunteering at the school and promoting ATV Safety wherever I can.  All of us in 4-H know that volunteers are what keep the organization thriving, and I am thankful for all of our local volunteers, both past and present!

Those who know me know that I will fill each day at home to the fullest!  I foresee fun summer "assignments" for the kids.  My love of art and art background has always given my kids an opportunity to make a big mess and create something special.  Paint, paper, scissors, glue... I can't wait! 

I look forward to remaining active in the community, and devoting some time to some projects that I  have interest in.  I will just be able to shift things around, and work around my family, which I think will allow me to be more efficient.

I am very excited about this new chapter, even though I felt a little tug of sadness as I worked my last assignment this past weekend at our district horse show.  MSU Extension has been a wonderful family for the last five years, and the friendships formed will remain.

Speaking of friendships...I look forward to new friendships formed at the Mrs. International competition!  Yet another wonderful chapter...

Until next time, wishing you safety, smiles, and a great chapter in your life!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Challenges of an Everyday Mom turned title-holder

Well, let me say I am still alive and kicking!  I hope you have seen me on facebook in the last few weeks.  Even so, facebook does not reflect how busy things have been for this mom, 4-H Agent, and state Mrs. titleholder. 

From the time my kids were born, I always knew being a mom was a full-time and very demanding job.  Like many of you, I did not take the task lightly, choosing the educational toys, reading the books, etc.  Then, just a few years later, add to that a great opportunity for working with youth, and you have a super-busy mom just like many of you I know! 

Now, I never would have guessed or dreamed I would have taken an opportunity to be Mrs. Mississippi International, and then go on to prepare for the Mrs. International competition. 

But, here I am, and I am so thankful for the opportunity God has placed before me.  I could not have planned this myself (I was too busy!).  But God knew He had a job for me, and that I was ready for the challenge.  I may be using the word ready lightly.  Although there are times when things have just fallen into place better than I could have imagined.  Then, there are times when I feel like I needed double (okay, maybe triple) the hours in a day!

There are the events to schedule, locations to find, dresses to shop for, fittings to schedule, emails to answer, phone calls to return, preparations, practice, and don't forget exercise!  (Then, there was the pulled muscle, or whatever that was that had me in tears until I saw my chiropractor. Followed the next week by the blown blood vessel).

Yes, we women are masters at multi-tasking.  Getting ready for early morning drives for appearances has added a new dimension.  While 4-H events on weekends, or a variety of things on your calendar is typical for a 4-H Agent, showing up as Mrs. Mississippi International does require a little more planning.  The perfect shoes must be selected (not just my Ariat boots, unless in the arena; I miss you, dear boots), eyelashes, crown, sash, photos, as well as helmet (for my platform), safety information, and the right earrings (which I left at home, I think, along with those extra bobby pins).

My multi-tasking has been a little crazy at times. I can do leg exercises while blowing-drying my hair, and even decided to add holding sliced cucumbers on alternating eyes while doing the exercising and hair.  I must say the little extras are worth it sometimes.  I was surprised to be told at a visit to a school that they knew I wasn't a teacher because I looked "too rested".  I had to smile because it was a very busy week, and I had used my cold green tea bags from the fridge that morning on my eyes...glad to know they worked!

Thanks to great friends and family, I have been able to juggle the variety of blessings much better than I ever could have alone.  And they make me feel and look much better than cucumbers and green tea bags could any day.

Blessings to you from my thankful heart,

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Funny things kids say

Meeting and talking to kids is the best part of what I get to do as Mrs. Mississippi International.  After all, they are our future, and it is up to us to lead and guide them.

Plus, they are just so darn cute and funny!  These are some of the funny things kids have said to me... They certainly make me smile!  Hope they bring a smile to your face too.

                   Special thanks to my friend, Kindra, for these photos with her adorable niece.

- Is that REAL diamonds? 

- Did that cost a lot?

- Can you carry me to Chicago with you? (in a very quiet tone so her mother could not understand her).

- WOW!  She rode a motorcycle here! (upon seeing the ATV helmet..not to mention heels I am wearing).

- You want me to wear my helmet now? (says the kindergartner with his nose crinkled up as I wave goodbye to them).

- When you are done with that crown, can you give it to me?

- How old are you? (Luckily, he had me at 10 years younger!)

- Are you The Queen?

- Your name is really Mrs. Mississippi??!?

- Her name IS Mrs. Mississippi!  (Yes, the teacher and I have some explaining to do.)

Blessings and smiles to you

Monday, May 7, 2012

Eating Healthy according to this Southern Mom

I do believe in being healthy. Eating right as much as possible, and exercising. Not just trying to get a certain weight, or counting calories. I am glad if counting works for you, but it just makes me tired! Keep in mind we all have genetics, and other things that make us who we are, our size, and our build.

For those of you who know me well, you are accustomed to seeing me eat healthy most of the time.  I still get the occasional "What is that you are drinking?" question as I did while working a couple of weekends ago at an event. 
While I certainly do not claim to be the most fit or healthiest person around, I have had several ask me what I do, or what I here it goes!

1). We (my husband cooks too!) cook from scratch a good bit, and limit processed food with exception of weekly pizza (a yummy healthy spinach pizza most of the time) or special occasion homemade corndogs. There have been occasional frozen fish fillets and mac & cheese lately, as things have been busy!
2). I cut out high fructose corn syrup from our kitchen a couple of years ago.
3). I started eating/buying organic as much as possible at least 3-4 years ago.
4). I drink mainly unsweetened green tea (that is unsweet with no type of sweetener).  That is the mystery drink I carry around: )  Most of the time it is diluted except for one stronger cup in morning. Spearmint tea is another favorite.
5). I love whole grain Ezekiel sprouted chicken wraps I make at home with plenty of cumin and avocado.  Spinach salads with avocado, nuts or seeds are yummy.
6). Bananas are a staple at our house, as are organic apples, and seasonal fruit, and carrot sticks. I eat at least one banana daily, and always carry an apple, banana, and a healthy snack from home when working away from the office, and keep healthy options at the office...including the almond butter in my desk!
7). I love dark chocolate, but have to watch my portions. There have been a couple of days lately that I have had what I call antioxidants, protein, and potassium for breakfast (dark chocolate, almond butter, and banana)!  Most of the time, it is oatmeal (the plain kind with cinnamon added at home), and an egg. Try an egg with rosemary, oregano and pepperjack much better.
8). Smoothies have been a frequent must-have lately. Whey protein smoothies after workouts, and sometimes for breakfast.  I like almond butter, banana, and tiny bit of chocolate (surprise!) or another favorite is mixed berry.  My hubby and I have been consuming lots of frozen blueberries in smoothies lately. With all that I have on my mind and "plate" lately, the blueberries are good to have for memory.
9). I eat those desserts that I really love, like brownies or something homemade by my mom!  Something really good and chocolate.  I finally learned not to eat everything sweet, but it took me awhile.
10). I love to bake at home with my kids.  Healthy cookies with two or three kinds of chocolate chips, but with oatmeal, omega from chia seeds are yummy.  Another favorite is sometimes gluten-free, banana muffins with tiny chocolate chips....a recipe passed down from my mom-in-law, and her good friend, Julie.

and lastly....I enjoy what I eat!  If it does not taste good, but is healthy, that doesn't make me happy.  And it sure doesn't make my kids happy.  My husband and kids have gone through some trial and error with me on this.  But I have nailed down some favorites that are tasty and healthier than what you buy elsewhere....and that makes me happy!

Wishing you health and yummy food,

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kids and Cool Helmets

Just a couple of days ago, my son was excited to tell me he wanted to get a new skateboard helmet. I had just picked him and his sister up from school and he was talking almost nonstop!  "We talked about helmets at school today...and well, I need a new skateboard helmet.  Mrs. Curtis talked about how we need to wear helmets."

Well, I was pleasantly pleased that he wanted to wear a helmet with his skateboard.  After all, I had been telling, asking, reminding him to do that lately.  But, I told him he could use the same helmet for skateboarding that he uses for his bike helmet. "No, mom, that won't do.  I need another helmet.  That one does not fit right."  I was thinking that I did not realize it did not fit, and should have already purchased another one.  Then again, I can't imagine his head has grown that much.  Then, he adds that he has had his bike helmet awhile since he was 6 (I really think he is stretching it: ) and that he is older now, and doesn't like that helmet. 

BINGO!  I get it.  I get why he doesn't want to wear his helmet.  He has outgrown it, if not physically, then age-wise.  I am just glad to have a solution to the never-want-to-wear-the-bike-helmet problem.  We both plan to go shopping for his new helmet the next day after a dental check-up. We have to go to two different sections of the store to make sure we have looked at the "skateboard" helmets.  To my surprise, the helmet he picks out does not even look that great to me, but he likes it. Once he tries it on, I really like it too!  We find some elbow and knee pads too, and some for his sister since we will be losing training wheels soon.

Once home, he is so excited to put it all on, and shows his buddy who has just stopped by.  He tells him how their teacher said they needed to make a commitment to wear their helmets.  They had just studied this in health class, and what perfect timing with Spring and beautiful weather to get outdoors.  Thank you, Mrs. Curtis!  You impressed upon a child the importance of taking care of his health.  And in the process, you helped me learn something too!

Wishing you fun days and happy helmet shopping,
